The Loft Acne Program in NYC
Clear Your Skin in as little as 90 days!
Complex problems require complex solutions! This monthly program is designed to help you get your skin cleared in as little as 90 days. It includes biweekly treatments, a personalized skin care regimin from the award winning face reality Skin Skin Care line, as well as diet and lifestyle advice. We will work very closely durring this wholistic program to combat acne at every level.
40 minute Acne Consultation $65 (Will go towards product credit)
Acne Treatment (Recommended every two weeks) $110
Face Reality Personalized Skin Care Regimen $250-$350
Before and After Photos
Save With The Loft Acne Membership
$200 per month-3 month minimum (estimated savings $200)
2 Face Reality Acne Peels with extractions per month
1 30 minute Celluma LED add-on
10% off all face Reality home care Products and supplements
diet and lifestyle guidance